IJSP is an International, Peer Reviewed/ Refereed, Indexed, Open Access, Online Journal of Arts and Social Sciences. IJSP invites original research paper and book review submissions for publication in Volume 12, Issue 01, scheduled for release on March 31, 2025. Last Date of the Submission is 28 February

India-Pakistan Peace Process and Progress on Kashmir Issue During the Parvej Musharraf Regime

Hemant Kumar Singh


  1. Department of  Political Science, University of Allahabad, Allahabad U.P. INDIA


In Indo-Pakistan relations, conflict, rivalry and hostility started immediately after their independence in 1947 followed by the first Indo-Pakistan war. Their bilateral relations have always been jeopardized by the Kashmir issue. They fought three conventional wars and faced several crises during the pre-nuclear and nuclear periods over the question of Kashmir. Both states acquired nuclear weapons with the primary aims of balancing each other and deterring wars. This hostility generated a kind of arms race in South Asia. Both countries have been trying to find mutually acceptable solution to the question of Kashmir issue since the time of its inception. In addition to the third party interventions, a number of bilateral negotiations at different levels have been initiated by the two countries to settle the protracted issue.

International Relations, India, Pakistan, Kashmir, Terrorism, Parvez Musharraf