IJSP is an International, Peer Reviewed/ Refereed, Indexed, Open Access, Online Journal of Arts and Social Sciences. IJSP invites original research paper and book review submissions for publication in Volume 12, Issue 01, scheduled for release on March 31, 2025. Last Date of the Submission is 28 February

Impact of Indian s Reconstruction on Political Policies of Afghanistan Transformation

Suraiya Nazeer, Atiqullah Malik


  1. PhD in the Department Of Central of Central Asian Studies, University of Kashmir, J&K, INDIA
  2. PhD in the Department of Central Asian Studies, University of Kashmir, J&K, INDIA


The Central Asia region is often associated with South Asia for geostrategic reasons influences by the American involvement in Afghanistan and Pakistan and Growing Alliance with India. In 1990 Indian lost visibility in the region but now is gaining back lost cultural influence in strategic and economic sectors? The history of the India Central Asia relationship is very rich and ancient, going from Antique time to the Mughal Empire. Most newspaper articles, diplomatic declarations, and academic texts on the subject tend to reset India’s engagement in Central Asia within a long standing historical framework. The strategically importance of Afghanistan to India appears both geo-political nightmare and a land of tremendous opportunities. If we consider the case of Afghanistan the past eighteen years have witnessed significant changes vis-à-vis people of Afghanistan as they have striven to establish an independent state with a market economy governed under pluralistic democracy. These changes, besides the contemporary antisocial movements in Afghanistan have brought sudden poverty, physical insecurity and bewildering social transformations that led to terrible sufferings of people. However, Afghanistan has demonstrated a firm commitment to stability and made substantial progress in building peace. The country has adopted several measures to ensure stability and economic prosperity to overcome the problems of people. Nevertheless, the region continues to a complexity of problems related to weak and corrupt Governments, divided Societies, Narcotic Trade and its corrosive effects on State and Non State Institutions, radicalized Groups and widespread poverty. All this has made the region suffer in many respects and adverse effects are visible on marginalized groups and weaker sections of the society including poor, children and women. All this has lead to the growth of Transnational Organized Crime and its increasing relevance to the security of states and populations alike.In this context the present study wants to explore India’s role in Afghanistan’s reconstruction and political transformation even thought there are Challenges and Prospects. The study would also attempt to access that as the “Post-2014” regional order in Afghanistan is picking up its speed, the major objectives of India is to fight help in the regional stability of the country. Since India of course is a regional power in this Asian continent and as such the India can play a major role in bringing Afghanistan nearer to stability. 

Afghanistan, Balance of Power, Challenges, Great Game, Geo-Politics, India, Regional Interest,