IJSP is an International, Peer Reviewed/ Refereed, Indexed, Open Access, Online Journal of Arts and Social Sciences. IJSP invites original research paper and book review submissions for publication in Volume 12, Issue 01, scheduled for release on March 31, 2025. Last Date of the Submission is 28 February

Critiquing Rituparna Ghosh : Gender Senstivity and Identity in Films

Mehak Jonjua


  1. Assistant Professor, Amity University, Noida, Gautam Buddha Nagar, U.P. INDIA


Film maker, versifier and an author, Rituparna Ghosh was Bengali and Indian cinema’s agent provocateur and one of the most modern directors, having received both national and international acclaims for his films. He is credited for changing the Cinematic ideology, perception and impact especially for the Bengali middle class ‘bhadrolok’ and moved into narrative film making with the critically acclaimed Hirer Angti in 1992 and Unishey April in 1995. Apart from projecting Bengali culture and tradition, his concepts moved around the convolutions of relationships, the niceties of feelings and the often silent hardships that are involved in everyday family life in India. His work projects the changing perceptions of the ‘Gender Identity’ by dominant sensitized middle class with narratives of sexual desires, thereby demystifying existing philosophies of heteronormativity and heteropatriarchy.

Films, Gender Identity and Bhadralok.