IJSP is an International, Peer Reviewed/ Refereed, Indexed, Open Access, Online Journal of Arts and Social Sciences. IJSP invites original research paper and book review submissions for publication in Volume 12, Issue 01, scheduled for release on March 31, 2025. Last Date of the Submission is 28 February

Constructivism in the Era of Technological Singularity

Tripuresh Pathak


  1. Research Scholar, Department of Political Science, University of Allahabad, U.P. INDIA


This article aims to study the concept of Singularity, its nature and impact on human life; and focuses on the connection between Singularity and approach of Constructivism. Singularity refers to the stage where artificial intelligence exceeds human intelligence. It can also refer to the exponential development in technology that will cause a sort of great disruption. Constructivism focuses on the inter-subjective meaning of reality created due to interaction of number of players and institutions. The paper contends that the technological explosion will create a sort of crisis for the human identity which will make the dimension of construction and modulation of reality by human groups even more important. The Singularity has the potential to create the most powerful ‘other’ for the entire human race after the dawn of agricultural revolution. This can probably help us to transcend all the divisive barriers and identify with the common elements that connect the human race. The paper also briefly evaluates the impact of singularity on the contemporary economic structure.

Singularity, Artificial Intelligence, Human Intelligence, Technological Disruption, Constructivism, Reality Structure, Chaos, Machine Era, Other, Unified Self.