Mustapha Ayodele Haruna
Conflicts and crises are inevitable in human relations, between and among nations and among international institutions. Remote and immediate reasons and causes are responsible for such conflicts, while peace resolutions are indicators for aftermath of conflicts. Across the globe, and shortly after the end of the 2nd world war, which gave birth to the United Nations Organization (UNO), its objective are to prevent conflicts from escalating into war and help to restore peace either enduring or promotes lasting peace in societies emerging from scourge of war or constant wars. Due to many factors like mineral and natural resources, power politics, civil wars, disputed borders migration, refugees, climate change, poverty, authoritarian regimes, endemic disease, Globalization, that cause conflict. The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) plays vital role in preventing conflicts and help to end numerous conflicts for the maintenance of international peace and security through its resolution, peacekeeping missions, ceasefire mechanisms and even enforcement measures like economic sanctions, trade embargoes, collective military action, no fly zones and diplomatic boycotts. The Middle East is beset by multi conflicts: Energy. Geo-politics, ideological divide, big powers hegemony and strategic interest of some countries outside the region. The two most fundamental challenges are the Arab-Israelis conflict and the Iranians / Arabs conflicts. These have brought tensions and great concern to the Middle East while the region has eluded peace over the years. This paper posits to X—rays the impacts of United Nations Security Council in bringing enduring peace and permanent conflict resolution to the region. However, it faces serious challenges like the different strategic interest of UN permanent members, internal contradictions on the part of the countries in the region, religious interpretation on of each party on the ownership of East Jerusalem, oil, Gas and Energy, politics. The paper posits to profer possible solution like collective resolution, avoidance of abuse of veto power, regime change checking the Israelis hegemony and enforcement of balance of power equilibrium. The paperl makes use of secondary source to collate Data and adopts theory of conflict resolution to midwife and navigate the study.
Ceasefire, Conflict Management, Collective Security Peace Building, Preventive Diplomacy.