11 Golden Years of the regular Publication Call for Paper : IJSP invites Research articles, View Papers, Short Communications, Book Reviews etc for Vol 12(01):2025 Timeline for Vol 12(01):2025 Proposed Publication Date (Online): 31 January 2025, (Print): 15 February 2025 Last Date of Submission: 31 December 2024

Role of Technology in Education for Visually Impaired

Manish Kumar


  1. Assistant Professor,Department of Social Work JRH University, Chitrakot, U.P. INDIA


According to WHO action plan 2006-11 estimates 10 percent population of the world is facing some kind of disability. the meaning associated with disability is different. Global burden of disease, (GBD) looks disability as a loss of health where health is conceptualized in terms of functioning capacity in a set of the health of health domains such as mobility, cognition, hearing, and vision .The number of persons with disability in continuously increasing because of growth of population, the emergence of chronic diseases and medical advances that preserve and prolong life, creating overwhelming demands for health and rehabilitation services (Srivastava and Khan 2008). In South-east Asia, the prevalence of disability ranges from 1.5 - 21.3% of the total population, depending on the definition and severity of disability (Mont 2007). Despite the increase in the prevalence of disability worldwide, due to various reasons, not much attention has been paid to its evaluation, management, and prevention (WHO 2002). This paper focuses on a different model of disability to understand this concept. It looks at poverty as the reason for disability. Further, it discusses various policies for disability in India for education, employment, and rehabilitation of persons with disability. keeping the focus on education, in the second part paper takes visual disability and examines how the assistive technology played its role in the education of students of visual impaired at the school level. also, it observes the amic prospective of students about there inclusion in society through the lens of assistive technology and access to social networking websites

Visualy Impaired, Technology, Education