IJSP is an International, Peer Reviewed/ Refereed, Indexed, Open Access, Online Journal of Arts and Social Sciences. IJSP invites original research paper and book review submissions for publication in Volume 12, Issue 01, scheduled for release on March 31, 2025. Last Date of the Submission is 28 February

Pandemic Covid-19, Its Impact on India and Its Solution

Shuchita Pandey, Shivansh Kumar


  1. HOD, Political Science and Public Administration, K.S. Saket P G College Ayodhya, U.P. INDIA
  2. Research Scholar, Political Science and Public Administration , K.S Saket PG College Ayodhya,U.P. INDIA


When whole world was discussing about the development , GDP growth and Economic growth like words suddenly in the last year of second decade of 21st century a Pandemic strikes called as SARS COV -2 from which the whole world was unaware .Besides its unknown origin nations also fears about their population and their safety . Steps after steps taken by nation such as close the borders , flights and imposing lockdown for the safety from this Virus. For nation like India which have vast demography of more than 130 crore people it was like between the Devil and deep sea . Government was to choose about the safety either their economy both are backbone of the nation. It definitely go for lockdown to save its population , the other reason was its health infra and limited resources unlike the developed nation. First wave passes in India and almost country saved itself from great mortality but the second wave uncovered the realities and test the height of Health system and its resources . India, which was one of the biggest Pharma industries of the world was undergone shortage of raw material . Leading experts and epidemiologist suggested vaccination is better way to tackle this virus and India carrying out one of the biggest Vaccination drive of the world.

Post Covid, Corona Virus, Pandemic, Labour migration, Lockdown, Biggest Vaccination