IJSP is an International, Peer Reviewed/ Refereed, Indexed, Open Access, Online Journal of Arts and Social Sciences. IJSP invites original research paper and book review submissions for publication in Volume 12, Issue 01, scheduled for release on March 31, 2025. Last Date of the Submission is 28 February

Indian Cuisine and Soft Power

N D Pandey , Col Ravindra Prakash Tripathi


  1. Deptt of Defence and Strategic Studies K S Saket P G College, Ayodhya U P, INDIA
  2. Resaearch Scholar, Deptt of Defence and Strategic Studies K S Saket P G College, Ayodhya U.P, INDIA


Human beings across the geographical locations of the world and in every type of climatic condition adopt and consume food to fulfill the needs of the physiology of their body and to remain healthy. The food habits of individuals and society at large of any region has a great impact on their psychology and behavioral pattern to a large extent. There is innumerable texts/treatise right from the very beginning of civilization which talks about it. In every group of believers, FOOD has often been considered at par with God and is worshipped. If one looks back in the history of mankind it can be seen in each era, that in many not-so-favorable situations cuisine has been found to impact/influence the thinking and approach of two opposing people. Gastronomic treats have been instrumental to bring people of different backgrounds and culture closure. In this paper, an attempt is being made to bring out how Indian cuisine has spread across the world and has cemented the trust, faith, and acceptance of Indian culture and its values in society’s world over. Indian cuisine has left an inedible mark as a strong soft power tool to mold the opinion of people in those areas about India and its people.

India, Cuisine, Culture, Societies, Soft Power.