IJSP is an International, Peer Reviewed/ Refereed, Indexed, Open Access, Online Journal of Arts and Social Sciences. IJSP invites original research paper and book review submissions for publication in Volume 12, Issue 01, scheduled for release on March 31, 2025. Last Date of the Submission is 28 February

India in Iran s Foreign Policy in Post-Cold War Period

Pratik Bose


  1. Senior Teacher, Rice Education, Kolkata, West Bengal, INDIA


 During the Cold War period, both the US and the erstwhile Soviet Union targeted Iran for its rich oil and mineral resources. “After the Second World War, the Soviet troops got stationed in Iran which started the entire conflict with the USA and the West who all wanted to exploit Iran’s resources and the Azerbaijan conflict also happened. After the end of the Cold War, the Soviet forces had to be withdrawn from Iran but still the West along with the USA had its eye over Iran. Iran was critical about it and all the Oil producing countries formed an organization called OPEC for their unity and protection. Iran also joined the Non-Alignment Movement which was launched by India and from there it came into contact with India. With India’s enormous natural and human resources, a growing economy and adjacency to Iran’s security and strategic environment, India is considered one of the most important options with which the Islamic Republic of Iran can establish stable and reliable, if not strategic, relations.


International Relations, Foreign Policy, India, Iran, Oil Trade, Chabahar Port