Richa Singh
Environmental degradation is the disintegration of the earth or deterioration of the environment through consumption of assets, for example, air, water and soil; the destruction of environments and the eradication of wildlife. Environmental degradation may be driven by many factors including economic growth, population growth, urbanization, industrialization, intensification of agriculture, rising energy use and transportation. Poverty still remains a problem at the root of several environmental problems. The present paper examined the relationship of population to the environment and with growing population, poverty and urbanization the environment is degrading. The rapid population growth and economic development in country are degrading the environment through the uncontrolled growth of urbanization and industrialization, expansion and intensification of agriculture, and the destruction of natural habitats. One of the major causes of environmental degradation in India could be attributed to rapid growth of population, which is adversely affecting the natural resources and environment. The three fundamental demographic factors of births, deaths and migration produce changes in population size. It is estimated that the country’s population will increase to 1.26 billion by the year 2016. The projected population indicates that India will be a first most populous country in the world and China will be second in 2050 (Population Reference Bureau, 2001). The increase of population has been tending towards alarming situation. India is having 18 percent of the world's population on 2.4 percent of its land area has great deal of pressure on its all natural resources. Water shortages, soil exhaustion, deforestation, air and water pollution afflicts many areas. If the world population continues to multiply, the impact on environment could be devastating.
Environment, Climate change, Population growth, degradation