IJSP is an International, Peer Reviewed/ Refereed, Indexed, Open Access, Online Journal of Arts and Social Sciences. IJSP invites original research paper and book review submissions for publication in Volume 12, Issue 01, scheduled for release on March 31, 2025. Last Date of the Submission is 28 February

Environmental Governance and Unsustainable Human Life

O P B Shukla, Ravi Prakash Verma


  1. Head of Department, Department of Public Administration, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University Lucknow, INDIA
  2. Research Scholar, Department of Public Administration, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University Lucknow, INDIA


“Environmental Governance is concerns with management and administration of Natural environment within purview of state authority and provision to take legal action against violators. Decline of environment’s quality reasoned for suffering for human life. Hence state plays the key role in enhancing sustainable environment. There are many constitutional provisions to safeguard the natural environment and maintain the clean and hygienic cities provision and provide basic life sustaining facilities to all citizen of country. Indian government focus on Millennium Development goal and successor of goals is sustainable development goal are basically focused on sustainable environment and sustainability of climate and minimize the climate change impact. various international organizations and the international NGOs are working to minimize the impact of global warming and provide financial and technical support to developing countries to minimize carbon emissions and achieving net zero goal”

Environment Governance, Human life, Sustainability, Cconstitutional Provisions, Statutory Act.