Ileana Bergia, Layla Crosetto Caceres
This paper aims to capture and analyze the relations between India and Argentina around the cultural agenda, through the analysis of key events that have influenced the foreign policy of both States from the beginning of diplomatic relations in 1949 to the present. To this end, the theoretical contributions that will be proposed will be: the Soft Power guidelines, understood as the ability to transform the preferences of other states and the perceptions they have through immaterial sources; the concept of Cultural Diplomacy, understanding it as the use of cultural factors in international relations by state and non-state agents and the central arguments of Van Klaveren, an author who carries out an analysis from the most critical International Political Economy (1992).In turn, to obtain the gaze of a specialist on the subject, it was decided to conduct a qualitative interview with Sabrina Olivera, Master and doctoral student in International Relations, coordinator of the CARI working group on South Asia and a lawyer specialized in Public International Law.
India, Argentina, International Relations, Culture, Agenda