Tripuresh Pathak
Psychological Mapping can be used as a broad term referring to coherent and precise attributes of an individual, group or national identity. Realism states that there is basic conflict among states while Liberalism supports the notion of cooperative International Arrangement. Realism as well as Liberalism adopt an objective approach while Constructivism contends that reality is inter-subjective and is constructed by interactions of actors and institutions. It gives lot of scope to an agency to shape and mould reality within the constraints of structural attributes. Psychology becomes important as Constructivism gives great importance to emotional aspects. The interaction between real world and virtual world in era of information revolution has lot to do with the propagation of hatred. There is suspicion as well as hope in International Relations. This aspect of psychological malleability is important in understanding the dynamics of International Relations. Constructivism creatively engages with role of endogenous groups whose psychological attributes are important in understanding their viewpoints. The contemporary scenario of risk generated through weapons can be properly analysed by understanding aspects of fear. The environmental challenges too pose a great risk to human existence and it can be properly evaluated only through concept of collective responsibility, empathy and sympathy.
Psychological Mapping, Constructivism, Tragedy of Commons, Symbolic Crystallization, Structuration. Psychological Deflection.